
Our Studios

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A dialogue

A public commission

A Corporate Commission

Making it Happen

Working in stone and bronze

Shipping and installation

Other commissions

Consulting and Fabricating

Working with other Professionals

Our Studios


 My Work


I work in mainly in metal. My pieces are usually formed from sheet, plate, rod, and wire via repousse', weaving, welding, cutting and bending, although I occasionally do some cast pieces. I have produced major pieces for corporate and public clients ranging in size from building façades down to table top pieces.

In my art I like a wave, a grand gesture with undertows flowing in unexpected directions. I like things that are at a glance, clean, but upon inspection complex.

I like the woven surface because it offers a rich texture which is quite alive and changes as one walks by or as the angle of illumination changes. I hung my first woven aluminum piece in a hallway where the evening and the morning sun raked past it. In the morning it cast one image as golden light stretched its shadows down the hall yet, when I came home it was silver and quite different. This interplay of similar interwoven elements interested me. It seemed an allegory of life. A basic fabric which changed with your viewpoint or the color and angle of your illuminating light. "In a similar fashion, I find all manner of segmented imagery, a society of individual elements, lead, cajoled, into form. Some leading out over a straight laced ground of their company of companion elements, tracing form like a whipping waveform on an oscilloscope or a patterned flow like the backs of a bison herd or sand dunes marching along.

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Gene Olson